The Amazing Love Ministry
This Ministry formally started in June 1986 as a house fellowship while the church took off by August 1987. It is a Ministry of hope based on God’s love that never ends. The Ministry was born out of love and concern for many who are made to succumb to defeat and obscurity simply because they missed the mark sometime in their lives. The vision of Amazing Love was born out of the burden to reco-opt soldiers of Christ, remobilize them and set them back on the race and spur them on, until they reach the mark and obtain their prizes. Amazing Love Ministries also reaches out to those who are spiritually alienated from the kingdom of God. So we reach out to the down-trodden, spiritual victims of man, and spiritually slumbering humanity and seek to shove them up from their spiritual slumber and remind them that God has not yet finished with them and that He loves them.
This truth is borne out of the personal dealings of the Lord, with the Pastor of Amazing Love Ministries – Bishop Amaechi Nwachukwu. The world says once you miss the mark, you are a write-off, doomed, a cast-away. However, it is gratifying that God in the Bible is saying a different thing. The tragedy often is that we ourselves neither want to hear God nor accept His pardon. Often, we join in condemning ourselves. But in the Bible we find God saying to backslidden Israel that no matter how far they have failed, He God, was willing to fix them up; we find God telling the guilt-laden woman, caught in adultery “…. neither do I condemn you, go and sin no more”. To the fault-finding Jews of His day, Jesus would say, “I have not come to condemn the world, but that the world through me might have life”. This love is not cheap. It cost God His only Son. But somehow the only time we preach this message is when we are seeking to convert people for the first time into Christianity. Thereafter, “they must work out their salvation”. They were saved by grace through faith but they must live by works through struggles, we seem to preach. If anyone needs to hear again and again, the sweet message of grace, it is the Christian. And this is the message the Amazing Love Ministries wishes to proclaim loud and clear.We hope to achieve this objective through careful and humble study of God’s word. Through the word, we open ourselves to correction, building up and stability unto maturity in the Lord. Prayer is our cornerstone. As we watch unto prayer, we faithfully claim the promises of our God in patient assurance that, He who has promised is faithful and cannot lie. Through the Holy Spirit, we act as facilitators in leading others especially Christians to an awareness of God’s undying love which enables us to function as sons/daughters in love. We also, through God’s grace serve one another. In love we esteem others better than we are. Respect of persons and interest in their level of understanding of God are our watch-word. The love we speak of is the love of God to man, so rich, so full, so deep. We can’t live without it.
Amazing Love is not an escape from discipline or holiness, but an attempt to make sure that while we keep the letters of the law, we do not neglect the spirit of the law. While we tithe mint and vegetable, we do not omit the weightier matters of the law, justice, love and faith. For all else falls to nothingness when love is lacking. God is love.
Thus, Evangelism is our main objective. To the runaway prophet who preferred death to serving God, He still says, “I need you”, “The word of God came to Jonah a second time”. The cowardly, betraying Peter is offered a second chance in anticipation of his repentance. And to the prodigal son who derailed into sin and wastefulness, there is a happy welcome of love and fanfare awaiting him. Our God is a God of second chance. Nay! of a million chances. His steadfast love never ceases, His mercies never come to an end. They are new every morning. Great, Oh! Lord, is Thy faithfulness. If you and I are commanded by God to forgive an erring brother from our heart, four hundred and ninety times a day, can the Lord of all creation, the Father of truth and justice do any less? Not at all.
It is this realization that is the compelling thrust of Amazing Love Ministries. A Ministry of hope built on the possibilities of God’s changing power….. Love never fails.
The Bible is our constitution.